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Commercial and contract law

Experience and an overview for the right business decision

Business relationships across borders require particular care, especially with regard to international purchasing, supply and manufacturing contracts. The high complexity of products and services, the diverse dependencies and challenges in international supply chains, the options associated with the necessary selection of the applicable law and place of jurisdiction and the decisions to be made require a great deal of legal experience. A precise knowledge of the relevant international trade standards, customs and applicable national and international laws is essential. LLP Law|Patent has the necessary expertise for this. When drafting international contracts, we examine which law and which jurisdiction is most advantageous for the specific situation. The contracts are drafted by LLP Law|Patent in accordance with the requirements of the chosen legal system, depending on whether this is based, for example, on a mandatory type of contract, provides for judicial review of pre-formulated contractual clauses, stipulates legally binding protective regulations or grants the author of the contractual documents almost unlimited power of definition and freedom of drafting.

Efficiency in consultation and in practical implementation

LLP Law|Patent focuses on maximum efficiency in practical implementation and can point to a large number of references in an international context. In cross-border business transactions, we show our clients the legal treatment of the transaction under the respective national sales law or the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods in a differentiated and concrete manner. When introducing quality assurance processes in a company, LLP Law|Patent ensures that the appropriate contractual provisions on incoming and outgoing goods inspections or in-process inspections are applied. In order to avoid the effort and costs of recourse in the supply chain, we help to set up and formulate efficient manufacturer’s guarantee systems. In order to protect our clients from the consequences of a delay in delivery, we have mastered the necessary range of sourcing strategies and clauses: from self-supply reservations and consignment stock agreements to complex supply chain agreements.  LLP Law|Patent protects suppliers who venture into the shared economy from the special risks and surprises of national tenancy law. It goes without saying that LLP is always available to answer our clients’ questions.

Support for in-house counsel, contract managers and the legal department

The lawyers at LLP Law|Patent have been successfully supporting their contacts in the legal and contract management departments of their clients for many years and provide commercial law advice either on a case-by-case basis or on a long-term basis as part of a secondment or legal interim outsourcing. Our partnership-oriented approach enables seamless integration into existing corporate structures and processes and the involvement of all necessary stakeholders of the client.  Our clients benefit from the experience that individual LLP lawyers have gained as in-house counsel before joining LLP.

Arno Lohmanns - LLP Law|Patent
  • Drafting and negotiation of contracts

  • Drafting and review of general terms and conditions

  • Training for the error-free handling of general terms and conditions, offers and orders

  • Transport and logistics law

  • Product liability and product recalls

Sebastian Helmschrott - LLP Law|Patent
  • Drafting and negotiation of complex framework and project agreements

  • International contract law

  • Preparation and implementation of tenders

  • Contract management

  • Interim support for legal departments

  • Legal outsourcing

Patricia Lotz - LLP Law|Patent
  • Export and foreign trade law

  • Claims management