Lohmanns Lankes & Partner » Focus Areas » Commercial

Competition law

Benchmark for fair competition and the protection of intellectual property

Competition law is a key instrument for ensuring fairness and integrity in business transactions. In the B2B sector, the challenges are often specific and complex. Digitalization and globalization often require rapid intervention. LLP Law|Patent offers in-depth expertise and specialized advice as well as the necessary agility in action. Our law firm supports companies in taking action against unfair practices by their competitors and protecting their own business interests. It is equally relevant to preventively control one’s own appearance and actions on the market in order to be able to calculate the associated risks and avoid becoming the target of warning letters. Trademark law, another core area of our expertise, deals with the protection of brand names, logos and other signs that identify a company or product. We help companies register, maintain and defend their trademark rights. The threat to one’s own intellectual property (in particular patents, utility models, designs) through product counterfeiting and plagiarism can cause considerable economic damage. Our law firm supports companies in proactively identifying such infringements and taking legal action against them, whether through monitoring, civil action or cooperation with customs authorities. At international trade fairs, our patent attorneys and attorneys-at-law will be at your side to stop the counterfeiters.

Successfully issuing and defending against warning letters

Warning letters under competition law can present companies with considerable difficulties. They can be accompanied by financial damage and loss of reputation. LLP Law|Patent advises clients comprehensively on competition law, both defensively and offensively: We provide preventive advice to our clients who, for example, operate in the market as content creators and providers, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and costs. On the one hand, we support our clients in the legally compliant implementation of their own marketing measures. On the other hand, we ensure the enforcement of justified claims against warned competitors. In the digital era, file sharing, trade register or other subscription traps are a recurring topic for LLP Law|Patent.

Legal certainty in marketing and corporate communications

In the area of corporate marketing and corporate communications, one wrong step can not only lead to legal consequences, but also cause lasting damage to a company’s reputation. Competition law is not just “nice to have”, but essential for a company’s image and business success. It is therefore important that companies act with legal certainty in these areas. Whether it is a matter of reviewing advertising measures, clarifying competition law issues or providing legal support in the event of data breaches or product recalls – LLP Law|Patent offers the necessary legal expertise to support companies in these areas. Opportunities and risks are also closely linked in the area of online advertising and e-commerce. From data protection to email marketing, influencer marketing and affiliate programs – we offer comprehensive legal advice.

Robert Lankes - LLP Law|Patent
  • Unfair competition

  • Trademark law

  • Issuing and defending against warnings

  • Issuing cease-and-desist letters

  • Freedom of imitation

  • Protection of intellectual property

  • File sharing

  • Trade register fraud

  • Domain law

Patricia Lotz - LLP Law|Patent
  • Advertising law

  • Action against counterfeit/plagiarized products

  • Obtaining interim relief

  • Online advertising and e-commerce